Vitamin E Capsule

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Vitamin E for Skin Health


Vitamin E is a very essential nutrient in our daily lives. However, there are various myths and misconceptions surrounding Vitamin E. 

Vitamin E is a good day-soluble antioxidant and is very crucial in maintaining healthy skin. But it is not a single compound but a ground of molecules together to make vitamin E that has ideal properties for the skin. They are found as Vitamin E conjugates which help to increase stability and require cellular metabolism for activating those conjugates. Vitamin E is a rare known vitamin as compared to other vitamins like A, B, C etc. but is essential for our survival due to its oxidative properties. However, there are many people with misconceptions about Vitamin E and its benefits. 

Let’s discuss the myths and misconceptions that are associated with vitamin E and what are the facts. Let us find out the truth about vitamin E, expose the myths one by one and learn about the true benefits of vitamin E! 

So many myths about Vitamin E: How much reality do they have?

Your body needs the proper amount of vitamin E for your survival. Vitamin E exists as free radicals and it acts as a fighter against oxidation and helps to protect the cells throughout your body.

But do you have any clear idea about Vitamin E? You may be wondering whether you are consuming the proper amount of vitamin E or not, what are the main sources of vitamin E, right?

Yes, you should know more about the benefits and the sources of vitamin E instead of believing the prevalent myths about Vitamin E. Let’s get a clear look at the prevalent myths of Vitamin E: 

  • The more amount of Vitamin E you consume, the more healthy you are. One may think that if a small amount of vitamin E can help at such great levels then what if it is consumed at larger intakes? This has no logic in it especially when you are considering vitamin E which are fat soluble vitamins. Your body stores fat-soluble vitamins instead of accepting them. Thus, they can build up with time. So if you consume too much vitamin E it can lead to very hazardous vitamin toxicity.  Always do what is suitable and proper, neither too little nor too much! So, the fact that lies here is the dosage you need is your body specific which means it depends entirely on your body. A healthy adult needs around 15 mg of vitamin E daily. It is difficult for us to reach the goal each day with a balanced diet, so you can consume vitamin E supplements in proper amounts only after doctor consultation.
  • Another famous myth that exists is that “all vitamins are the same”.  This is not at all true. There may be plenty of options available for every vitamin in the market, but every one vitamin doesn’t have the same benefits or effects. You cannot go for any option, only the best quality vitamin E supplement can give you the necessary benefits. However, naturally derived sources of vitamin E are always better than supplements as organic derivatives prove to be the best. So, try to go for organic supplements as they are more readily absorbed by our body than synthetic forms. 
  • Some people believe that everyone needs a Vitamin E Supplement. Most of us indeed dont get enough vitamin E from our everyday diet, but that does not mean you need a supplement. Only if you are suffering from a deficiency of vitamin E then you can move to take a supplement.  But if you decide to take vitamin E supplements instead of following a balanced diet then of course you cannot gain any profit from it. This is so because the best sources of nutrients that you may get are from natural foods. So if you want to take supplements without being severely deficient, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Another well-spreaded myth is “Vitamin E are known to fix difficult diseases”. Vitamin E cannot cure any disease like cancer, heart disease or diabetes alone. Yes, vitamin E can help lower the risk of some diseases but it cannot cure or prevent you from these diseases. According to some researchers and scientists, Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and acts as an inflammation fighter. However, there is no such research regarding vitamin E acting as a curator for diseases. It can have the ability to fight against oxidative stress. Vitamin E is known to be a free radical and prevents oxidation in the cells throughout your body. Whenever your body detects free radicals present in the body, it releases vitamin E to neutralize the effect and prevent further damage to the healthy cells.
  • Now some misconceptions also need to be clear. Some say that topical vitamin E can repair damaged skin. Vitamin E is indeed added to skincare products for its antioxidant and moisturising properties but it cannot repair your damaged skin. This topic is too much exaggerated. It can contribute to overall good skin health but it cannot reverse your damaged skin.
  • Another well-known misconception is “every skin type can tolerate vitamin e”. Is that so? Some people face allergic reactions and irritation with topical vitamin E, particularly people with sensitive skin. You need to go through some allergic tests before consuming or using vitamin-containing products too much.

What is the right way to supplement with Vitamin E

Supplementing vitamin E or including more of vitamin E in everyday life is totally up to you! What you choose for yourself. However, if you want to incorporate more vitamin E then you can go for supplements.

Now you must be thinking, whether taking supplements is safe or not. Yes, taking supplements is safe if you take it in the proper amount after approval from any medical practitioner. 

Do Not start consuming vitamin E supplements without any valid reason or without knowing the proper dosage. If you want to take supplements visit your health supervisor, go to a doctor and seek approval for the same. But if you want to know which kind of vitamin E are best for your health, then you should purchase organic supplements as they are produced from natural products.

How much amount of vitamin E is enough for your body?

Only if you have a low-fat diet or no fat in your diet at all, do you need supplements to meet enough vitamin E requirement. But if your diet is a balanced one, you will get enough vitamin E to meet your daily requirements. Always keep in mind that air pollution, smoking or exposure to sun and ultraviolet rays can completely eat up your body’s storage of vitamins.

The National Institute of Health suggests that adults and teenagers should get at least about 15 mg of vitamin E daily to meet the vitamin E requirement in their bodies. Pregnant women also should get the same amount. However, breastfeeding mothers need an amount of 19 mg to meet the daily requirement. For children, the amount varies from 4-13 mg.

Dont think that capsules and oil can only provide you with vitamin E. Some cereals, fruit juices, and processed foods are also fortified with vitamin E. Moreover, natural food sources like vegetable oils, nuts and seeds and avocado can provide you with enough amount of vitamin E.

Contradictions with Vitamin E

Readily choosing supplements for antioxidant properties is never a wise decision to take. Some researchers suggest that consumption of too much vitamin E or antioxidants has no ideal preventive value unless you are suffering from Vitamin E deficiency. Also, higher doses of vitamin E can significantly increase mortality by many causes. 

But what if you use vitamin E oil? There are no proven facts regarding using vitamin E oil can have positive effects on your skin, as it has a higher risk of developing skin rash. But if you are taking it under the approval or consultation of some doctor, then it’s good to go. But always avoid excessive dosage of vitamin E.

Therefore, before taking any vitamin E supplement or increasing your dose of supplements be very careful.


Since vitamin E is truly praised for its potential benefits on skin health, the myths and misconceptions surrounding it are an exaggeration of the real facts. May be there are antioxidant and moisturising properties but there is limited evidence regarding its effectiveness in skincare. It is very crucial to move forward with the use of vitamin E for skin care after having full knowledge about the potential risks like irritation or allergic reactions in individuals with sensitive skin. Truly, it has a great contribution towards your overall skin health but only when used or consumed in a proper amount. You need not have miraculous expectations regarding the results of vitamin E products. One more thing you need to do is consult a dermatologist or a nutritionist before taking a forward step with supplements or vitamin E products. Your main aim should be getting healthy skin with a balanced diet, a better lifestyle and a good environment.

So, what are you waiting for? Go for the best ones for your health after knowing everything that you should regarding your skin health.