How to Prepare for Earlobe Correction Surgery in Dubai

How to Prepare for Earlobe Correction Surgery in Dubai

Are you looking for Earlobe Correction Surgery in Dubai? Then it is important for candidates to prepare for the procedure mentally and physically. Anyhow, to know more about How to Prepare for Earlobe Correction Surgery in Dubai, read below and have the treatment right away! 

Ear Surgery

Earlobe Surgery in Dubai is an aesthetic operation applied in order to eliminate the deformations that are present in the ear at birth or that come to the median after an accident. The deformity of the ear causes psychological problems in the person. Surgical procedures are needed for congenital or acquired ear problems.

Pre-care Instructions:

The following may be required from you before ear correction:

  • Receiving tests for medical evaluation
  • No nicotine
  • Abstinence from aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements
  • Taking certain medications or adjusting current medications
  • Do not take blood thinners.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Prevent smoking.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Discuss your goals and concerns with the expert surgeon.
  • Discuss medical history.
  • Have a comfortable recovery space.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water.

How is Ear Surgery Done?

The person who will have ear aesthetics should be at the hospital on the planned date and time. Earlobe Correction Surgery in Dubai, the places where the ear needs to be intervened are determined and it is aimed to put stitches that will not disturb the ear fold. Cartilage areas are rasped. 

The tissues are removed from the necessary places and the ear is brought to the desired form. Stitches are made from the necessary places behind the ear. If your surgery will be performed with local anesthesia, you can have a light breakfast in the morning.


If your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia, you should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before. After the operation, which will take approximately 1 hour, a bandage is worn to preserve the given shape and reduce swelling and edema. 

You may not feel pain thanks to the medications given when you go to your room. In surgeries performed with local anesthesia, you can start eating when you go to your room and go home after 3-4 hours of observation. 

Ear Correction Recovery Timeline

The good news is that in most cases, you won’t have to spend too much time recovering after the procedure.

Most patients can expect a recovery time of at least 6 weeks after the otoplasty procedure. However, in just 2 or 3 weeks you will notice a significant improvement in the appearance and shape of your ears.

Recovery Schedule

  • You should experience less pain and swelling in and around your ears following your otoplasty. Additionally, the majority of patients must wear compression garments to shield and cover their ears. Make sure you adhere to all of your doctor’s recommendations, including those for antibiotics if necessary.
  • For the first several days following surgery, wear a restorative headband over your ears. By day three, the majority of the otoplasty’s initial edema should have subsided. and the accompanying soreness ought to subside.
  • The swelling will keep decreasing. Many people may choose to go back to work or school around day 10. But this can change based on the nature of the work, the extent of the swelling, and other elements. For the next six weeks, you might also need to wear a headband at night.
  • In three months, most of the edema will subside. Continue visiting your doctor after this time to make sure everything is in order.
  • It could take longer for some people to heal completely. By year’s end, your ears will be completely healed and have a stunning appearance. 
  • Actual recovery time depends on various personal factors. This includes your own health and constitution, your age, and specific information about your ear correction.

Are there any side effects?

There are common side effects that can include mild tenderness, minimal pain and discomfort which usually only lasts a few hours.

Who can have the surgery?

If any candidate is appealing to get the surgery, they are required to learn the below criteria.

  • Healthy children, adolescents, and people without life-threatening conditions or uncontrolled recurring ear infections.
  • A child who is 5 years old and usually in good health.
  • If you want, you can wear a headband before going to bed so the new wipes really “cool down.”
  • People without ongoing or undetected health problems in the elderly could hinder recovery.
  • Regardless of the patient’s condition, they have a good attitude and reasonable expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

How Long Does the Effect of Ear Aesthetics Last? Is it permanent?

Ear aesthetics is a permanent application, and the patient should pay attention to eating and drinking after the application

Choose us!

Enter our serene Enfield Royal Clinic,  where we put your comfort first. It’s a place of elegance and peace. The last layer that guarantees a speedy recovery and long-lasting effects is our aftercare.

Not only do we enhance appearance, but we also shape self-worth. Select us and begin your voyage of self-discovery, where each we discover a more confident, radiant version of yourself. Get in touch with us right now to trust your masterpiece from the resurrection experts.